Category: Horse Barns

Good Stewards for All of the Creatures

We’ve talked a lot on this blog about how to be good stewards for all of the creatures given to us in God’s domain. The horse is an incredibly powerful and beautiful creature, and these are attributes to be respected. Although some take advantage of their power over these beasts, we love to see others… Read more »

The Relationship Between Man and the Many Animals

The relationship between man and the many animals surrounding us is an important part of our compact with God. As the Bible states, “the righteous man regards the life of his beast,” and we are called to be good caretakers of the many creatures that inhabit our world. We should respect their place in nature,… Read more »

What is a Shed Row Barn?

Shed row barns are customized, modular horse barns. Their stalls or storage space align in a row, and are popular in warmer climates. For people who can’t yet afford a big, insulated barn but still want to own a horse, shed row barns are often seen as the economical way to give a horse a… Read more »

Helpful Tips for Maintaining Your Horse Barn

Lots of tender care is surely given to your precious animal, but don’t forget to tidy up around the barn as well! It’s easy to overlook some simple, but very fundamental and helpful things, when taking care of a horse. Just like us, horses need their surroundings to be in a certain condition as well…. Read more »

Why Owning a Horse is an Incredible Experience

In today’s increasingly tech-oriented world, one thing is still for sure: people bond with animals. Moreover, those who own horses have an exceptionally special relationship, because there is something unique about those majestic creatures. People who own horses say they do because it gives them something to love and take care of.  They add excitement… Read more »

Custom Hauling Services from Deer Creek Structures

Wouldn’t it be great if you could simply pick up and move an existing structure to where you really needed it? Short of tearing something down and rebuilding it, which is extremely costly, there are alternative options available to you. Making sure our customer’s needs are met is something that Deer Creek Structures is known for,… Read more »

The Benefits of Horse Barn Overhangs

Horse barn overhangs, sometimes referred to as a lean, is a convenient feature of a horse barn that provides a series of benefits.   Essentially, an overhang is a constructed roof that extends the length and entrance of the barn. Most horse barns are built without an overhang, but one can definitely be constructed with the… Read more »

Businesses Deer Creek Stables Can Help

In addition to building horse barns for home and ranch owners throughout the United States, Deer Creek Structures also works with many different types of businesses.  Our products can be quite useful to a variety of industries, and will prove to be a worthwhile investment.  Below is an example of five types of businesses that… Read more »

The Benefits of Cypress Siding

Deer Creek is renowned for being one of the preeminent builders of custom barns and cabins, often working closely with horse and livestock owners.   Deer Creek Structures knows that you want your structures to last a long time, look nice, and provide shade and protection from the elements, which is why they use high-quality Cypress… Read more »

How To Keep Your Horse Cool This Summer

With the scorching summer months fast approaching, it is essential that horse owners consider how the the dog days of summer will affect their beloved horses.  Same as people, horses can become quickly overheated when it’s hot and sunny outside, especially if they are being active.  Just like you wouldn’t keep a pet dog cooped… Read more »