Category: Horses

Best and Worst Treats for Your Horse

We all love to treat our horses, and while some treats are good for horses, other treats that we might think of as “harmless” can actually be toxic to horses. It is important to understand what you can safely feed your house as a special treat and what you should not give to your horse… Read more »

Benefits to Weighing Your Horse’s Food

Providing a quality diet with the right amounts of food and nutrients to your horse should be a top priority. A horse typically consumes 1.5-2% of their body weight in dry matter each day. This amount of food is a necessity to maintain a healthy gastrointestinal tract. It is not always a practice to have… Read more »

Why Horses Might Refuse Cues

Acting disobediently is an animal’s natural response to many situations. Animals act out for a variety of reasons, ranging from pure personality to defensiveness. When animals aren’t responding to commands as they might have previously done, we assume that they are simply being “bad,” but that is not always the case. Horses, for instance, can… Read more »

Dangers of Traditional Bran Mashes

Many horse owners used to feed their horses bran mash, especially during colder months. However, in recent years, bran mash isn’t typically fed to horses and the routine habit has now become an old practice. Bran mash does not have the health benefits that many horse owners once believed it did for several reasons. Considering… Read more »

Recognizing Illnesses in Your Horse

During the colder months, many humans end up sick with colds and viruses. However, horses can also get sick and it can happen during any season. Horses frequently suffer from respiratory diseases, similar to the “common cold.” It’s important that horse owners recognize the symptoms of these illnesses and have an understanding of what treatment… Read more »

New Product Developed to Help Horses Run

A new product called Megasus Horserunners was recently developed to better serve horses when they walk or run on all terrain. It is the world’s first clippable runner for horses, changing the way that horses move. The product is equipped with shock absorbing hoof protection technology that allows horses to move easily on any terrain…. Read more »

Study Finds Horses Can Use Symbols to Communicate

According to the Washington Post, researchers at the Norwegian Veterinary Institute may have just discovered a new way to communicate with horses. But we’re not talking about a new language, exactly. The researchers recently published a study in which they determined that horses are able to communicate with humans using visual cues and symbols. In… Read more »

Tips to Help Soothe an Anxious Horse

When a horse is anxious or agitated, it’s usually for a very good reason – they’re not like humans who get mad or angry or upset because their emotions get the best of them. If a horse is anxious, there was probably a noise or a sensation that they experienced that set them off, or… Read more »

Five Tips for a Healthy Horse

Horse owners usually have a lot invested in their animals, both financially and emotionally, and they want their horses to be as healthy as possible. Keeping with a horse’s veterinary and farrier visits, vaccinations and medical records can be a lot to manage. Here are five tips from to keeping your horses happy and… Read more »

Jumpy Horse? Calm Them Down with These Tips

When a horse becomes jumpy, it is usually because they are afraid, which makes them unable to effectively gauge the situation around them. If a horse gets spooked, it could be dangerous for the rider. If you’ve got a frequently skittish horse, check out these tips to calm down your nervous horse. Forge a Relationship… Read more »