Category: Horses

Horses and Christmas Decorations

We have discussed the holiday connections between horses and traditions, how they are so present with images of classic Christmas. Just thinking about a horse and buggy in the wintertime conjures up good-natured feelings, how there’s a real meaning behind Christmas and it’s about warmhearted simplicity. Shouldn’t that be what the Christmas holiday is all… Read more »

Keeping a Close on Your Horses during the Holiday Season

We have talked about many different things in this blog, but of late, we have been focusing on the ways that horses affect us during the holidays. After all, this is the time for reflection, the time when we take a step back and think of all the ways horses influence our lives in positive… Read more »

How Well Do You Know Your Horse?

Maybe we should consider horses, and not dogs, man’s best friend. After all, they have been domesticated for around 5,000 years. They have been an invaluable asset in man taming the great wilderness of earth. Without them, who knows where we would be as a civilization. Despite having an intimate relationship with horses over the… Read more »

Horse Is Star of Amazon Holiday Commercial

When you look at a horse, does your heart beat faster? Like the beating of war drums? Sometimes rapid heart palpitations carry us through difficult days. It is good to be excited about things, especially this time of the year, when the holidays are banging on the door wanting to be let in. It is… Read more »

The Equine Time Machines of New York City

In our last post, we talked about the appeal of horse-drawn carriage riding, how it represents Thanksgiving. We wrote, “Horses are able to transport us to a simpler, more beautiful time.” Of all the holidays, Thanksgiving bring us back to the basics: food and loved ones. We stand by that statement and there is perhaps… Read more »

The Appeal of Horse-Drawn Carriage Riding on Thanksgiving

In our last post, we talked about the importance of saying thank you to the horses in our lives and looked at some ways that these beautiful animals affect our lives on a day-to-day basis, including with equine therapy, which is helping people of all backgrounds and ages. However, horses also affect us in different… Read more »

Saying Thank You to Horses

Can you believe that Thanksgiving is only next week? It seems just like yesterday that Americans nationwide were celebrating Halloween. Now friends and families are prepping for gatherings, getting ready to purchase food this weekend for the big turkey day. Christmas will be here in a blink of an eye and then 2016 will invade… Read more »

Getting to the Bottom of Equine Stomachaches

When we get stomachaches, they are inconvenient. They can happen frequently, especially depending on what we eat or if we’re stressed out. Thankfully, there are many ways to treat a stomachache, including a cup of chamomile tea, rice water, warm lemon water, fennel seeds, and the old standby (if you’re not going the au natural… Read more »

Why Everyone Should Go Horseback Riding at Least Once

If you’ve been going horseback riding since you were young, you likely understand what makes the activity so special. Of course, you may be so accustomed to it that you don’t even think about why it’s so great. Odds are, you have at least a few friends and family members who have never joined you… Read more »