Category: Horses

Transitioning Your Horses to Spring

In most areas of the country all signs of snow should be gone and you should finally start seeing green pastures around your property. While this may be exciting, there are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to your horses. They should not immediately be put out to your pastures, and… Read more »

New Research Could Keep Horses Healthier

Just like human beings, there are a number of health conditions that can affect horses, some more drastically than others. One of the biggest concerns when it comes to horse health is blood clotting. There are a few different diseases that could lead to clotting issues for horses including endotoxemia, colitis, and sepsis. Because each… Read more »

The Most Common Horse Illnesses

Horses can get sick just like people, and like us there are a wide variety of ailments that can affect these animals. The most common horse illnesses involve everything from the flu to a ring worm infection, and some are more serious than others. While we’ve previously talked about some of the major signs that… Read more »

How to Keep Your Horse’s Tail Healthy

Horses aren’t very high maintenance animals, but there are a few things you need to do to keep them healthy and clean on a regular basis. This is especially true when it comes to your horse’s tail. Most people aim to keep their horse’s tail long and thick, which is generally a sign that it… Read more »

Wild Horses in the American Rangelands

It’s like something out of an end of the world book or movie – wild horses roaming the Western rangelands—Iowa, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and South Dakota—of the United States. This isn’t a small of horses, not by any stretch of the imagination – we’re talking 31,000 wild horses! The situation has gotten so out… Read more »

How to Keep Your Horse Happy

The happiness of your horse may not be something you are acutely aware of, but horses can be happy, depressed, and a wide range of other emotions. But just how can you make sure your horse is as happy as possible? Luckily, you’re probably already doing most of the things you need to do to… Read more »

How to Keep Your Horse Cool

Depending on where you live, you’re likely facing some of the year’s first warm days, which means we can say goodbye to winter for a while. Spring and summer can be a great time on the farm, but there are a few things you should be aware of. Chief among these is the health and… Read more »

How to Identify Signs Your Horse Is in Pain

If your horse has been injured or is sick, there are several ways it may indicate to that it needs help. Unfortunately, many of these ways are subtle and you may not pick up on them immediately. Understanding your horse and its normal behavior plays a large role in helping you determine whether or not… Read more »

How to Avoid Riding Injuries

It’s happened to all of us at least once or twice, if not more. We’ve fallen off of our horses. But just because you fall doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get back on. And more importantly, falling off of a horse doesn’t need to end in a serious injury. If you take the proper precautions, you… Read more »

Spring Horse Care Tips

Winter weather is still plaguing much of the country, but spring is just on the horizon. Horses aren’t extremely high maintenance animals, but they do require some specific things depending on the time of year. Take a look at the following tips to learn how to best take care of your horses in the spring… Read more »