Bringing home a new horse can be incredibly exciting. You’re counting down the days in anticipation, but don’t neglect the things you need to do to prepare for the arrival. While every animal is different, it can be difficult for a horse to adjust to a new home, especially if the proper preparations haven’t been made. Make sure you do your research and determine if you are completely ready to own a horse, as it is a big responsibility.
Here are a few tips to help you properly prepare for the arrival of your new horse.
Property Inspection
Inspect the fences and gates around your property. If the horse is scared and in an unfamiliar environment, it may be more likely to wander off. If there is a weak spot in your fence or gate, the horse may try to get out, which you need to watch out for in the early days and weeks. It takes a while to build a trusting bond between you and your horse, so it is important to ensure they are safe and secure on your property.
Vet Check
Before your horse arrives, arrange a vet checkup to ensure they are in good health. This will give you peace of mind and prevent the new horse from bringing home an outbreak of strangles or other contagious diseases that may affect your other animals.
Prepare Their Space
Your new horse must have a suitable living space to move into. If you already have horses, chances are your farm is well equipped to accommodate another herd member. If that’s the case, be sure there’s enough space in your paddock and barn. If this is your first horse, make sure you have an adequate supply of hay, a healthy amount of pasture grass, a clean water supply, and any feed or supplements your horse requires.
If you are a first-time horse owner, it is essential to have a strong, quality shelter for them to reside in. At Deer Creek Structures, we can provide you with a variety of custom shedrow and aisle barns to suit your horse’s needs. They are made with hardworking American craftsmanship and can last you a lifetime!
Contact us today at (254)546-2276 and start building a comfortable home for your new horse.