It can be difficult to watch a beloved horse grow older and slowly decline. If you are facing the tough decision of whether to retire your mature horse, there are a few options to consider first. According to Dr. Karyn Malinowski, an equine extension specialist at Rutgers University, many horses can continue to be active… Read more »
One of the more popular New Year’s resolutions that people make is to lose weight and get in shape. In America alone, more than two-thirds of adults are considered overweight or obese. That is not even considering children or young adults! This country, you could say, has a little bit of a weight problem. It… Read more »
Now that summer is here, the open-ended wildness is filling up our souls and we’re quickly becoming addicted to the crisp air and the bear hugging sunshine, which means one thing: we’re taking our horses out on the trail and exploring the world. This is all well and good, but we mustn’t forget the health… Read more »
When we as humans show charity to the many beautiful creatures that inhabit this world given to us from God, we not only live with more integrity but also actively help to create the world, which He envisioned for us. For those who are interested in showing that kind of generosity to horses, now is… Read more »
When treated properly and with a dignity befitting of their power, horses can be a lively addition to some kinds of public events, especially parades. However, it is of crucial importance to make sure that the creatures who cannot speak for themselves are well cared for while in the employ of any handler. Deer… Read more »