Summer brings with it not just warmth and sunshine but also a few challenges for horse owners, particularly the risk of summer sores. These sores, medically called habronemiasis, are skin lesions caused by the larvae of stomach worms, which flies carry. These parasites can create significant discomfort for horses and lead to infections if not… Read more »
Summer is a beautiful season of warmth, green pastures, and long trail rides. However, as temperatures rise and days lengthen, these changes present unique health concerns for our equine companions. Knowing about potential horse health issues and how to prevent and treat them effectively is important! Here are a few health concerns to watch for… Read more »
With the summer months bringing high temperatures, we must keep ourselves and our horses safe from heat-related illnesses like heat stroke. Unfortunately, when a horse isn’t feeling well from the heat, they can’t express it verbally to us. That’s why it’s imperative to know what causes heat stroke and the signs that your horse might… Read more »
With summer just around the corner, it’s time to prepare your horses for the hot weather ahead. Nice weather means beautiful riding conditions and long hours spent outdoors. Just like humans, horses are sensitive to heat. Extreme summer heat and sunlight can be dangerous for horses resulting in dehydration, lethargy, and general malaise. Severe heat… Read more »
You know how thirsty you feel running around in the summertime? How nothing sounds as nice as a cool drink of water? Well, your sport horses feel the same way! It’s essential to make sure your sport horses keep hydrated in the summer to avoid exhaustion, heat stroke and other heat-related injuries. Read on for… Read more »