Deer Creek Structures

The Horse Industry Is Stabilizing

Horse in stable

Like everything in this country, the horse industry took a big hit following the Great Recession of 2007-2009. With bank accounts taking a hit, horse owners were less likely to work with veterinarians dealing with health issues. There was, expectedly so, changes in management practices and owners either took on less horses or did not take any additional ones. This of course affected the horse industry not only financially but also psychologically. During those rough two years, many horse owners felt on their own, almost abandoned by the country and the big financial institutions – and that trickled down to the animals in our care, like horses.

However, that trend has changed and since the country has recovered, slowly but surely, from the Great Recession, the horse industry is finally stabilizing and management practices are going back to normal.

According to AVMA, “Almost 90 percent of horse owners responding to a survey expect to own or manage the same number or more horses this year, compared with last year. The 2015 American Horse Publications Equine Industry Survey, sponsored by Zoetis, also revealed that 85 percent rely on their veterinarians for vaccination advice, and respondents increasingly rely on veterinarians for deworming advice.”

It seems that many horse owners are optimistic for 2016 and expect to increase the horses in their lives.

That demonstrates a steady increase in confidence when it comes to the American horse industry. Additionally, it seems that horse owners are again turning to veterinarians for horse care advice and are willing to dish out more money on bills. This is all great news in our eyes, because that means horse owners are more likely to see the need for horse barns, shed row barns, run in sheds, livestock shelters and more. Remember, “A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast…”

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