Deer Creek Structures

Tips for First Time Horse Owners

Choosing to become a horse owner is an exciting decision that is incredibly rewarding. It is also a role that comes with an incredible amount of responsibility. There are many things to love about horse ownership, and caring for your own horse is an enriching experience without a doubt.

If you are considering purchasing a horse of your own, or have recently become a first-time horse owner, there are several things that you can do in order to manage horse ownership easily.

Research Before Purchasing

Finding the right horse might take time, but it is a decision that cannot be rushed. Purchasing a horse is a major decision and there are many things to consider when making it.

First, you need to consider what breed, age, size and gender of horse will best suit your needs.

There are a variety of different horses available, and some are suited towards competitions while others are suited towards leisure.

Breed is also a big part of selecting the type of horse you need.

Once you have found a horse you are interested, ask the seller for information regarding its medical history and ask them to ride the horse in front of you to see how the horse handles before purchasing. If you have concerns, you can also call the seller’s farrier and veterinarian for their recommendations and experience with the animal.

You may also want to take an experienced horse owner with you to your viewing of the horse, as they will likely be able to notice issues you might miss.

Before purchasing, you should also make sure you are well-aware of the time and the money that it will take to own a horse. Can you provide this without questions?

Invest in Professional Lessons

If you are going to be the person taking your horse out on regular rides, you should be investing in professional lessons at least once a week.

While it’s tempting to think you can pick things up as you ride, you shouldn’t try to do so for the safety of yourself and your horse. You could injure yourself and your horse if you don’t know what you’re doing. There is no need to become an expert before taking your horse out for a ride, but a few beginner lessons will do a world of good to help you train properly.

Throughout the course of your ownership, attending lessons and clinics can help keep informed and refreshed.

Also, consider letting your horse rest for a period of time when you first bring them home. Moving is an overwhelming change for them as well, so it might be best to let them get used to their surroundings before you take them out for a ride.

Bond with Your Horse

A big part of horseback riding is building a sense of trust and closeness between you and the horse. Once your horse is home, spend some time getting to know him or her.

Of course, the most obvious thing you need to do is get used to act of feeding, grooming, and just generally caring for your new horse on a regular basis. Performing these acts will show your horse that you are now their permanent caretaker.

Purchase Quality Equipment

If you plan on riding your new horse, don’t get started without the proper tack and equipment.

A good helmet is a must, along with proper riding attire from pants to breeches. Your horse will also need the right equipment, from a saddle to halters.

Quality equipment helps to ensure that all rides are safe rides. Make sure to upkeep your equipment, cleaning it regularly. Keep in mind that a halter and lead rope are essentials for horse owners.

Here is a general list of the necessary equipment you’ll need when purchasing a horse for the first time:

Getting prepared to ride a horse in the proper equipment is an expense but a necessary one. Riding a horse takes a certain level of skill and patience, so going about it the right away is essential for the safety of both you and the horse.

View an expanded list of items to consider here


An important part of purchasing a horse is making sure that you have the appropriate shelter lined up well beforehand.

Boarding Your Horse

Many people that purchase a horse choose to board the horse if they don’t have an appropriate sized pasture.

It is important to keep in mind that boarding is an expensive option, and if you’re purchasing a horse, you need to make sure that you can afford to house it properly.

If you’re looking for a stable to board your horse, making sure you are getting your money’s worth is important. Ask questions regarding what care is included and what variety of options are available.

Housing Your Horse at Home

If you are housing your horse at a personal pasture, you should consider getting a run-in shed as well.

You will also need a barn on your property in order to house your horse safely. A barn will give the horses on your ranch the healthy life that they deserve and a comfortable place to sleep each night.

Maintaining a Horse’s Health

It is vital that you provide your horse with appropriate healthcare. This will include:

Hoof care is also vital for horses and proper hoof care helps protect horses from injury and helps them preform their best.

If you recently purchased a horse, or you’re in the process of doing so, and you want a quality barn or cabin for them to take shelter in, visit Deer Creek Structures today.

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